About me!
About me!
First of all, I am so glad you have found me, I am so happy to have you here- Im guessing you have came through my instagram and so you know some of the code language you may find on here or through my emails (if you’ve subscribed). For example if you’re new you might not know what GG means- it stands for Girlgang which I’m not even sure how but has become the name of the incredible community that we have built on my instagram page.
If you don’t know much about the GG you will soon enough get to know because a lot of my posting on instagram comes from the GG. Their responses, opinions, problems, recommendations.
Its more like a WhatsApp chat feel than an instagram page and if I could summarise in just one word the GG it would be HILARIOUS. These women and I don’t take life too seriously, but we can be serious when we need to be. We’re not afraid of making fun of ourselves and we have kind hearts.
I don’t want to seem like I’m blowing my own trumpet but I have truly never seen something like the support I have from these women. In every aspect. And I really am more grateful than you could ever even imagine to be doing life with these *strangers* in a sense that have become SISTERS.
If you don’t know much about me yet my name is Tayla-Blue Watts (was Tayla-Blue Mitchell-Jarvis) but I got married in October 2022 to the love of my life Jack! We live in between the UK and Marbella with our 3 furrbaby chihuahahas; Boo,Kiki & Buddy. Its basically their world and we are just living in it LOL, they mean EVERYTHING to us.
My background/first business was owning a clothing brand called HOT!MESS- I had that business from the age of 19 up until I was 23. It didn’t end as planned, I kinda thought I would do that forever but life had other plans! I then started working with a Network marketing company called Nuskin. I’m sure you have probably heard of them, they’re a skincare company and the creators of the very famous Lumispa! From 23 up until the last few months I focused a lot of my efforts on building that as a business and would like to say I made a great success of it. Its a business that you can eventually leverage and kind of take a step back from- and that is after 4.5 years what I have been lucky enough to now do.
I now spend most of my ‘working’ time on instagram. I was very fortunate (through the GG’s support) to start picking up amazing brand collaborations in the last 6 months and I’ve found a real passion with essentially personal shopping for my girls online! I absolutely love it and it most certainly dosent feel like work. I wouldn’t count myself an influencer, or really even a content creator. I feel like I am more of a friend to my gals online, a problem solver and a personal shopper like I said!
My instagram is a really safe space for all women. No topic is off limits, we have discussed EVERYTHING and I feel like the women on this platform know me as well as my bestfriends and family do and I love that. Im an open book and feel like the women on my page are too and I love that!
I’m really lucky to have an amazing family. Normal, no. Amazing yes hahahah! My mum and dad are still together and I am very close to them- and I have two sisters too. An older sister Sacha, and a younger sister India. Sacha moved to Marbella full-time shortly after we bought an apartment there- and India recently moved to London to pursue an acting career and to enjoy city life.
Myself and Jack (my husband lol- still feels weird saying that) did actually live in Marbella for 2 years during the pandemic and did plan to live there full time when we first moved. But recently we realised how much we wanted a hub over here in the Uk which is where we are as I write this. And so we are now in the process of buying a forever home here in Leicestershire which is where we are both from. We are currently renting here and have even since we left Marbella in October to head back to the uk for Christmas and to look at buying a house here.
Our plan is to live the winter here in England, and to live the Summer there in Marbella- but also we want to enjoy being flexible and just coming back and forth as we wish! It’s really a dream come true to be able to do that!
Im waffling now but hopefully that gives you a little insight into who I am and what my life looks like. It sounds pretty great I know, but I don’t live a perfect life. Does anybody? I have faced my own mental health challenges and am still very much working to become a better, healthier version of myself. Thats all we can do isn’t it! Is try! I hope to see you and speak to you through dm on my instagram, but also dont be afraid of sending emails. I love talking to you all!
Well, thats the basics! I dont want to chew your ear off but I love ya!!!!!!
Tay xoxoxo
Hi Tay,
I hope you don’t mind me dropping you a note, but I think you’re based in Leicester, so I wonder if we could tempt you down to the southern tip of Leicestershire for a stay at our country hotel in Medbourne?
Here at The Nevill Arms, we’ve recently completed a full refurbishment of our rooms and our restaurant. We’ve hired an executive chef from a Michelin-starred London restaurant, and our general manager previously worked at The Delphi Club in The Bahamas.
I don’t know if you’re familiar with this part of the county, but it’s a beautiful unspoilt area, with a wealth of history and culture – perfect for a weekend getaway! We have a lovely family room – so you, Jack and Storie would be very welcome to come and stay in that as our guests if you fancy a weekend break in the countryside!
Country Life recently called us “a stunning venue”!
Best wishes,
Tim Relf on
Hi, just to say im Niall Harbisons mum and i love all you have done to help.him with the dogs and i really love your Instagram posts. Xxxx
Kathleen Coney on
How have I only just discovered this blog & GG subscription!. you’re killing the instagram December content! I’m obsessed.
Samantha on